Frequently asked questions

If you don’t find the info you were looking for, reach out and we’ll fix that. Use the contact form on the link below.

How do we book you?

Contact me via the contact form.
If the date is available, and my offer suits you, the next step is to sign the agreement and transfer the deposit. Only then is the date actually booked.

When do we pay the rest of the amount?

The rest of the amount is paid on the day of the wedding.

What is an all-day coverage?

The maximum number of shooting hours is 12. No earlier than 10 am and no later than midnight.
If you think your wedding will be longer than that, please let me know. We can always talk and see what arrangements can be made.

Does the package include taking photos with the guests?

While I am a documentary photographer, there are formalities that we must respect. I photograph everything that makes a wedding, including group photos. :)

Do you have a back-up?

Of course. I always carry two cameras, several memory cards,
and I transfer the data to two hard drives.

What is the best time of day to take photos?

The golden hour. Which is actually the time around sunrise and around sunset. The light is the best then, and there is a high probability that you are already relaxed because everything went well. It would be great if we could take a photo then, but it's not mandatory, it's just my wish. If the course of the day does not allow it, we will agree together when we can.

Can we meet before the wedding?

I think it a must that we do a meeting before the wedding so that we get to know each other and I can hear your story. Given the fast pace of life and our various obligations, a video call would be the most suitable option.

Do you work alone?

Most of the time, but you can always add a second photographer if it's not included in the selected package.

How many photos do we get?

Honestly, it depends on the duration of the wedding, the number of guests, the number of customs, photographers included etc., but as a rule, the number always exceeds 700 processed digital photos.

How long is the delivery time?

The deadline is 60 days from the day of the wedding. However, from the beginning of May to the end of October, minimal deviations are possible due to the workload.

What is included in photo processing?

Framing, color correction and noise removal. You can select up to 20 photos for full retouching when you get the online gallery.

In what resolution do we get photos?

All photos that pass selection and processing are received in full resolution, meaning you and your guests can freely print or share photos on social media.

What is an online gallery?

A password-protected private link that contains all selected and processed photos, in full resolution. You can send the link to your guests, friends, and family, and save or share the photos on social media (just tag me if you post photos :) ).

Can we combine packages and add-ons?

Of course, we can agree on everything. Feel free to ask anything you are interested in.

Do you shoot video?

No. I work with several videographers, whose contacts I can share with you if you are interested.

Our wedding is abroad...

Great news! It will be my pleasure to travel to the location of your wedding but keep in mind that you cover the cost of accommodation and transportation. Of course, if you have enough space, I can sleep at your place. That way we can get to know each other better and take great photos along the way!

Our wedding is a little different/we have special requests...

If you have special wishes, requests, or ideas, just say the word. I will do my best to help you bring them to life!

Do we get raw photos from our wedding?

No, you only get processed photos. Photos go through several levels of selection, and you only get carefully selected photos from your wedding. Raw photos are not the finished product and do not represent my work.

Do we get more color photos or black and white photos?

Most often, 2/3 of the photos are in color and 1/3 black and white. If you prefer one over the other, just let me know.

Are all the photos warm tones?

As much as I believe that warm tones evoke beautiful emotions, I submit photos of the tonality of the light at the time of photography. It is best to look at a couple of entire galleries.

We have photographers AT THE VENUE...

Unfortunately, I cannot accept weddings where there are other photographers at the event. In my experience, it doesn’t give good results, and I no longer accept such engagements.